Source code for pysd.translators.xmile.xmile_element

The Element class child classes alow parsing the expressions of a
given model element. There are 3 tipes of elements:

- Flows and auxiliars (Flaux class): Regular elements, defined with
  <flow> or <aux>.
- Gfs (Gf class): Lookup elements, defined with <gf>.
- Stocks (Stock class): Data component, defined with <stock>

Moreover, a 4 type element is defined ControlElement, which allows parsing
the values of the model control variables (time step, initialtime, final time).

The final result from a parsed element can be exported to an
AbstractElement object in order to build a model in other language.
import re
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
from lxml import etree
import parsimonious
import numpy as np

from ..structures.abstract_model import\
    AbstractElement, AbstractLookup, AbstractComponent, AbstractSubscriptRange

from ..structures.abstract_expressions import AbstractSyntax

from . import xmile_utils as vu
from .xmile_structures import structures, parsing_ops

[docs]class Element(): """ Element class. This class provides the shared methods for its childs: Flaux, Gf, Stock, and ControlElement. Parameters ---------- node: etree._Element The element node content. ns: dict The namespace of the section. subscripts: dict The subscript dictionary of the section, necessary to parse some subscripted elements. """ _interp_methods = { "continuous": "interpolate", "extrapolate": "extrapolate", "discrete": "hold_backward" } _kind = "Element" def __init__(self, node: etree._Element, ns: dict, subscripts): self.node = node self.ns = ns = node.attrib["name"].replace("\\n", " ") self.units = self._get_xpath_text(node, "ns:units") or "" self.documentation = self._get_xpath_text(node, "ns:doc") or "" self.limits = (None, None) self.components = [] self.subscripts = subscripts def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover text = "\n%s definition: %s" % (self._kind, text += "\nSubscrips: %s" % repr(self.subscripts)\ if self.subscripts else "" text += "\n\t%s" % self._expression return text @property def _expression(self): # pragma: no cover if hasattr(self, "ast"): return str(self.ast).replace("\n", "\n\t") else: return self.node.text.replace("\n", "\n\t") @property def _verbose(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Get element information.""" return self.__str__() @property def verbose(self): # pragma: no cover """Print element information to standard output.""" print(self._verbose) def _get_xpath_text(self, node: etree._Element, xpath: str) -> Union[str, None]: """Safe access of occassionally missing text""" try: return node.xpath(xpath, namespaces=self.ns)[0].text except IndexError: return None def _get_xpath_attrib(self, node: etree._Element, xpath: str, attrib: str) -> Union[str, None]: """Safe access of occassionally missing attributes""" # defined here to take advantage of NS in default try: return node.xpath(xpath, namespaces=self.ns)[0].attrib[attrib] except IndexError: return None def _get_limits(self) -> Tuple[Union[None, str], Union[None, str]]: """Get the limits of the element""" lims = ( self._get_xpath_attrib(self.node, 'ns:range', 'min'), self._get_xpath_attrib(self.node, 'ns:range', 'max') ) return tuple(float(x) if x is not None else x for x in lims) def _parse_lookup_xml_node(self, node: etree._Element) -> AbstractSyntax: """ Parse lookup definition Returns ------- AST: AbstractSyntax """ ys_node = node.xpath('ns:ypts', namespaces=self.ns)[0] ys = np.fromstring( ys_node.text, dtype=float, sep=ys_node.attrib['sep'] if 'sep' in ys_node.attrib else ',' ) xscale_node = node.xpath('ns:xscale', namespaces=self.ns) if len(xscale_node) > 0: xmin = xscale_node[0].attrib['min'] xmax = xscale_node[0].attrib['max'] xs = np.linspace(float(xmin), float(xmax), len(ys)) else: xs_node = node.xpath('ns:xpts', namespaces=self.ns)[0] xs = np.fromstring( xs_node.text, dtype=float, sep=xs_node.attrib['sep'] if 'sep' in xs_node.attrib else ',' ) interp = node.attrib['type'] if 'type' in node.attrib else 'continuous' return structures["lookup"]( x=tuple(xs[np.argsort(xs)]), y=tuple(ys[np.argsort(xs)]), x_limits=(np.min(xs), np.max(xs)), y_limits=(np.min(ys), np.max(ys)), type=self._interp_methods[interp] )
[docs] def parse(self) -> None: """Parse all the components of an element""" if self.node.xpath("ns:element", namespaces=self.ns): # defined in several equations each with one subscript for subnode in self.node.xpath("ns:element", namespaces=self.ns): self.components.append( ((subnode.attrib["subscript"].split(","), []), self._parse_component(subnode)[0]) ) else: # get the subscripts from element subscripts = [ subnode.attrib["name"] for subnode in self.node.xpath("ns:dimensions/ns:dim", namespaces=self.ns) ] parsed = self._parse_component(self.node) if len(parsed) == 1: # element defined with one equation self.components = [((subscripts, []), parsed[0])] else: # element defined in several equations, but only the general # subscripts are given, save each equation with its # subscrtipts subs_list = self.subscripts[subscripts[0]] self.components = [ (([subs], []), parsed_i) for subs, parsed_i in zip(subs_list, parsed) ]
def _smile_parser(self, expression: str) -> AbstractSyntax: """ Parse expression with parsimonious. Returns ------- AST: AbstractSyntax """ tree = vu.Grammar.get("equations", parsing_ops).parse( expression.strip()) return EquationVisitor(tree).translation def _get_empty_abstract_element(self) -> AbstractElement: """ Get empty Abstract used for building Returns ------- AbstractElement """ return AbstractElement(, units=self.units, limits=self.limits, documentation=self.documentation, components=[])
[docs]class Flaux(Element): """ Flow or auxiliary variable definde by <flow> or <aux> in Xmile. Parameters ---------- node: etree._Element The element node content. ns: dict The namespace of the section. subscripts: dict The subscript dictionary of the section, necessary to parse some subscripted elements. """ _kind = "Flaux" def __init__(self, node, ns, subscripts): super().__init__(node, ns, subscripts) self.limits = self._get_limits() def _parse_component(self, node: etree._Element) -> List[AbstractSyntax]: """ Parse one Flaux component Returns ------- AST: AbstractSyntax """ asts = [] for eqn in node.xpath('ns:eqn', namespaces=self.ns): # Replace new lines with space, and replace 2 or more spaces with # single space. Then ensure there is no space at start or end of # equation eqn = re.sub(r"(\s{2,})", " ", eqn.text.replace("\n", ' ')).strip() ast = self._smile_parser(eqn) gf_node = self.node.xpath("ns:gf", namespaces=self.ns) if len(gf_node) > 0: ast = structures["inline_lookup"]( ast, self._parse_lookup_xml_node(gf_node[0])) asts.append(ast) return asts
[docs] def get_abstract_element(self) -> AbstractElement: """ Get Abstract Element used for building. This method is automatically called by Sections's get_abstract_section. Returns ------- AbstractElement: AbstractElement Abstract Element object that can be used for building the model in another language. It contains a list of AbstractComponents with the Abstract Syntax Tree of each of the expressions. """ ae = self._get_empty_abstract_element() for component in self.components: ae.components.append(AbstractComponent( subscripts=component[0], ast=component[1])) return ae
[docs]class Gf(Element): """ Gf variable (lookup) definde by <gf> in Xmile. Parameters ---------- node: etree._Element The element node content. ns: dict The namespace of the section. subscripts: dict The subscript dictionary of the section, necessary to parse some subscripted elements. """ _kind = "Gf component" def __init__(self, node, ns, subscripts): super().__init__(node, ns, subscripts) self.limits = self.get_limits()
[docs] def get_limits(self) -> Tuple[Union[None, str], Union[None, str]]: """Get the limits of the Gf element""" lims = ( self._get_xpath_attrib(self.node, 'ns:yscale', 'min'), self._get_xpath_attrib(self.node, 'ns:yscale', 'max') ) return tuple(float(x) if x is not None else x for x in lims)
def _parse_component(self, node: etree._Element) -> AbstractSyntax: """ Parse one Gf component Returns ------- AST: AbstractSyntax """ return [self._parse_lookup_xml_node(self.node)]
[docs] def get_abstract_element(self) -> AbstractElement: """ Get Abstract Element used for building. This method is automatically called by Sections's get_abstract_section. Returns ------- AbstractElement: AbstractElement Abstract Element object that can be used for building the model in another language. It contains a list of AbstractComponents with the Abstract Syntax Tree of each of the expressions. """ ae = self._get_empty_abstract_element() for component in self.components: ae.components.append(AbstractLookup( subscripts=component[0], ast=component[1])) return ae
[docs]class Stock(Element): """ Stock variable definde by <stock> in Xmile. Parameters ---------- node: etree._Element The element node content. ns: dict The namespace of the section. subscripts: dict The subscript dictionary of the section, necessary to parse some subscripted elements. """ _kind = "Stock component" def __init__(self, node, ns, subscripts): super().__init__(node, ns, subscripts) self.limits = self._get_limits() def _parse_component(self, node) -> AbstractSyntax: """ Parse one Stock component Returns ------- AST: AbstractSyntax """ # Parse each flow equations inflows = [ self._smile_parser(inflow.text) for inflow in self.node.xpath('ns:inflow', namespaces=self.ns)] outflows = [ self._smile_parser(outflow.text) for outflow in self.node.xpath('ns:outflow', namespaces=self.ns)] if inflows: # stock has inflows expr = ["+"] * (len(inflows)-1) + ["-"] * len(outflows) elif outflows: # stock has no inflows but outflows outflows[0] = structures["negative"](outflows[0]) expr = ["-"] * (len(outflows)-1) else: # stock is constant expr = [] inflows = [0] if expr: # stock has more than one flow flows = structures["arithmetic"](expr, inflows+outflows) else: # stock has only one flow flows = inflows[0] if inflows else outflows[0] # Read the initial value equation for stock element initial = self._smile_parser(self._get_xpath_text(self.node, 'ns:eqn')) return [structures["stock"](flows, initial)]
[docs] def get_abstract_element(self) -> AbstractElement: """ Get Abstract Element used for building. This method is automatically called by Sections's get_abstract_section. Returns ------- AbstractElement: AbstractElement Abstract Element object that can be used for building the model in another language. It contains a list of AbstractComponents with the Abstract Syntax Tree of each of the expressions. """ ae = self._get_empty_abstract_element() for component in self.components: ae.components.append(AbstractComponent( subscripts=component[0], ast=component[1])) return ae
class ControlElement(Element): """Control variable (lookup)""" _kind = "Control variable" def __init__(self, name, units, documentation, eqn): = name self.units = units self.documentation = documentation self.limits = (None, None) self.eqn = eqn def parse(self) -> None: """ Parse control elment. Returns ------- AST: AbstractSyntax """ self.ast = self._smile_parser(self.eqn) def get_abstract_element(self) -> AbstractElement: """ Get Abstract Element used for building. This method is automatically called by Sections's get_abstract_section. Returns ------- AbstractElement: AbstractElement Abstract Element object that can be used for building the model in another language. It contains an AbstractComponent with the Abstract Syntax Tree of the expression. """ ae = self._get_empty_abstract_element() ae.components.append(AbstractComponent( subscripts=([], []), ast=self.ast)) return ae
[docs]class SubscriptRange(): """Subscript range definition.""" def __init__(self, name: str, definition: List[str], mapping: List[str] = []): = name self.definition = definition self.mapping = mapping def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return "\nSubscript range definition: %s\n\t%s\n" % (, self.definition) @property def _verbose(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Get subscript range information.""" return self.__str__() @property def verbose(self): # pragma: no cover """Print subscript range information to standard output.""" print(self._verbose)
[docs] def get_abstract_subscript_range(self) -> AbstractSubscriptRange: """ Get Abstract Subscript Range used for building. This method is automatically called by Sections's get_abstract_section. Returns ------- AbstractSubscriptRange: AbstractSubscriptRange Abstract Subscript Range object that can be used for building the model in another language. """ return AbstractSubscriptRange(, subscripts=self.definition, mapping=self.mapping )
class EquationVisitor(parsimonious.NodeVisitor): """Visit the elements of a equation to get the AST""" def __init__(self, ast): self.translation = None self.elements = {} self.subs = None # the subscripts if given self.negatives = set() self.visit(ast) def visit_expr_type(self, n, vc): self.translation = self.elements[vc[0]] def visit_logic2_expr(self, n, vc): # expressions with logical binary operators (and, or) return vu.split_arithmetic( structures["logic"], parsing_ops["logic_ops"], "".join(vc).strip(), self.elements) def visit_logic_expr(self, n, vc): # expressions with logical unitary operators (not) id = vc[2] if vc[0].lower() == "not": id = self.add_element(structures["logic"]( [":NOT:"], (self.elements[id],) )) return id def visit_comp_expr(self, n, vc): # expressions with comparisons (=, <>, <, <=, >, >=) return vu.split_arithmetic( structures["logic"], parsing_ops["comp_ops"], "".join(vc).strip(), self.elements) def visit_add_expr(self, n, vc): # expressions with additions (+, -) return vu.split_arithmetic( structures["arithmetic"], parsing_ops["add_ops"], "".join(vc).strip(), self.elements) def visit_mod_expr(self, n, vc): # modulo expressions (mod) if vc[1].lower().startswith("mod"): return self.add_element( structures["call"]( structures["reference"]("modulo"), (self.elements[vc[0]], self.elements[vc[1][3:]]) )) else: return vc[0] def visit_prod_expr(self, n, vc): # expressions with products (*, /) return vu.split_arithmetic( structures["arithmetic"], parsing_ops["prod_ops"], "".join(vc).strip(), self.elements) def visit_exp_expr(self, n, vc): # expressions with exponentials (^) return vu.split_arithmetic( structures["arithmetic"], parsing_ops["exp_ops"], "".join(vc).strip(), self.elements, self.negatives) def visit_neg_expr(self, n, vc): id = vc[2] if vc[0] == "-": if isinstance(self.elements[id], (float, int)): self.elements[id] = -self.elements[id] else: self.negatives.add(id) return id def visit_call(self, n, vc): func = self.elements[vc[0]] args = self.elements[vc[4]] if func.reference in structures: func_str = structures[func.reference] if isinstance(func_str, dict): return self.add_element(func_str[len(args)](*args)) else: return self.add_element(func_str(*args)) else: return self.add_element(structures["call"](func, args)) def visit_conditional_statement(self, n, vc): return self.add_element(structures["if_then_else"]( self.elements[vc[2]], self.elements[vc[6]], self.elements[vc[10]])) def visit_reference(self, n, vc): id = self.add_element(structures["reference"]( vc[0].lower().replace(" ", "_").strip("\""), self.subs)) self.subs = None return id def visit_array(self, n, vc): if ";" in n.text or "," in n.text: return self.add_element(np.squeeze(np.array( [row.split(",") for row in n.text.strip(";").split(";")], dtype=float))) else: return self.add_element(eval(n.text)) def visit_subscript_list(self, n, vc): subs = [x.strip().replace("_", " ") for x in vc[2].split(",")] self.subs = structures["subscripts_ref"](subs) return "" def visit_name(self, n, vc): return n.text.strip() def visit_expr(self, n, vc): if vc[0] not in self.elements: return self.add_element(eval(vc[0])) else: return vc[0] def visit_arguments(self, n, vc): arglist = tuple(x.strip(",") for x in vc) return self.add_element(tuple( self.elements[arg] if arg in self.elements else eval(arg) for arg in arglist)) def visit_parens(self, n, vc): return vc[2] def visit__(self, n, vc): # handles whitespace characters return "" def generic_visit(self, n, vc): return "".join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text def add_element(self, element): return vu.add_element(self.elements, element)