Contributing to PySD

If you are interested in helping to develop PySD, the PySD Development Pathway lists areas that are ripe for contribution.

To get started, you can fork the repository and make contributions to your own version. When you’re happy with your edits, submit a pull request to the main branch.

Development Tools

There are a number of tools that you might find helpful in development:

Test Suite

PySD uses the common model test suite found on github

You can run the test suite with the module, which will execute each test and display some debugging info if there are issues.

The test runner will download the test suite, if it is not already installed, into the /tests/ directory. To update the test suite, you can run manually.

These tests run quickly and should be executed when any changes are made to ensure that current functionality remains intact.

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Speed Tests

A set of speed tests are found in the module. These speed tests help understand how changes to the PySD module influence the speed of execution. These tests take a little longer to run than the basic test suite, but are not onerous. They should be run before any submission to the repository.

The speed test results are appended to ‘speedtest_results.json’, along with version and date information, so that before and after comparisons can be made.

The speed tests depend on the standard python timeit library.


Profiling the code can help to identify bottlenecks in operation. To understand how changes to the code influence its speed, we should construct a profiling test that executes the PySD components in question. The file ‘’ gives an example for how this profiling can be conducted, and the file ‘’ executes the profiler and launches a view of the results that can be explored in the browser.

The profiler depends on cProfile and cprofilev

Python Linter

Pylint is a module that checks that your code meets proper python coding practices. It is helpful for making sure that the code will be easy for other people to read, and also is good fast feedback for improving your coding practice. The lint checker can be run for the entire packages, and for individual python modules or classes. It should be run at a local level (ie, on specific files) whenever changes are made, and globally before the package is committed. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but we should aspire always to move in a positive direction.’

PySD Design Philosophy

Understanding that a focussed project is both more robust and maintainable, PySD aspires to the following philosophy:

  • Do as little as possible.
  • Anything that is not endemic to System Dynamics (such as plotting, integration, fitting, etc) should either be implemented using external tools, or omitted.
  • Stick to SD. Let other disciplines (ABM, Discrete Event Simulation, etc) create their own tools.
  • Use external model creation tools
  • Use the core language of system dynamics.
  • Limit implementation to the basic XMILE standard.
  • Resist the urge to include everything that shows up in all vendors’ tools.
  • Emphasize ease of use. Let SD practitioners who haven’t used python before understand the basics.
  • Take advantage of general python constructions and best practices.
  • Develop and use strong testing and profiling components. Share your work early. Find bugs early.
  • Avoid firefighting or rushing to add features quickly. SD knows enough about short term thinking in software development to know where that path leads.