Source code for pysd.translators.vensim.vensim_file

The VensimFile class allows reading the original Vensim model file,
parsing it into Section elements using the FileSectionsVisitor,
parsing its sketch using SketchVisitor in order to classify the varibales
per view. The final result can be exported to an AbstractModel class in
order to build the model in another programming language.
import re
from typing import Union, List
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import parsimonious
from import Mapping

from ..structures.abstract_model import AbstractModel

from . import vensim_utils as vu
from .vensim_section import Section
from .vensim_utils import supported_extensions

[docs]class VensimFile(): """ The VensimFile class allows parsing an mdl file. When the object is created, the model file is automatically opened; unnecessary tabs, whitespaces, and linebreaks are removed; and the sketch is split from the model equations. Parameters ---------- mdl_path: str or pathlib.Path Path to the Vensim model. encoding: str or None (optional) Encoding of the source model file. If None, the encoding will be read from the model, if the encoding is not defined in the model file it will be set to 'UTF-8'. Default is None. """ def __init__(self, mdl_path: Union[str, Path], encoding: Union[None, str] = None): self.mdl_path = Path(mdl_path) self.root_path = self.mdl_path.parent self.model_text = self._read(encoding) self.sketch = "" self.view_elements = None self._split_sketch() def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return "\nVensim model file, loaded from:\n\t%s\n" % self.mdl_path @property def _verbose(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Get model information.""" text = self.__str__() for section in self.sections: text += section._verbose return text @property def verbose(self): # pragma: no cover """Print model information to standard output.""" print(self._verbose) def _read(self, encoding: Union[None, str]) -> str: """ Read a Vensim file and assign its content to self.model_text Returns ------- str: model file content """ # check for model extension if self.mdl_path.suffix.lower() not in supported_extensions: raise ValueError( "The file to translate, '%s' " % self.mdl_path + "is not a Vensim model. It must end with .mdl extension." ) if encoding is None: # Try detecting the encoding from the file encoding = vu._detect_encoding_from_file(self.mdl_path) with"r", encoding=encoding, errors="ignore") as in_file: model_text = return model_text def _split_sketch(self) -> None: """Split model from the sketch.""" try: split_model = self.model_text.split("\\\\\\---///", 1) self.model_text = self._clean(split_model[0]) # remove plots section, if it exists self.sketch = split_model[1].split("///---\\\\\\")[0] except LookupError: pass def _clean(self, text: str) -> str: """Remove unnecessary characters.""" return re.sub(r"[\n\t\s]+", " ", re.sub(r"\\\n\t", " ", text))
[docs] def parse(self, parse_all: bool = True) -> None: """ Parse model file with parsimonious using the grammar given in 'parsing_grammars/file_sections.peg' and the class FileSectionsVisitor to visit the parsed expressions. This breaks the model file in VensimSections, which correspond to the main model section and the macros. Parameters ---------- parse_all: bool (optional) If True, the VensimSection objects created will be automatically parsed. Otherwise, these objects will only be added to self.sections but not parsed. Default is True. """ # get model sections (__main__ + macros) tree = vu.Grammar.get("file_sections").parse(self.model_text) self.sections = FileSectionsVisitor(tree).entries # main section path (Python model file) self.sections[0].path = self.mdl_path.with_suffix(".py") for section in self.sections[1:]: # macrots paths section.path = self.mdl_path.parent.joinpath( self._clean_file_names([0] ).with_suffix(".py") if parse_all: # parse all sections for section in self.sections: # parse each section section.parse()
[docs] def parse_sketch(self, subview_sep: List[str]) -> None: """ Parse the sketch of the model with parsimonious using the grammar given in 'parsing_grammars/sketch.peg' and the class SketchVisitor to visit the parsed expressions. It will modify the views_dict of the first section, including the dictionary of the classification of variables by views. This, method should be called after calling the self.parse method. Parameters ---------- subview_sep: list List of the separators to use to classify the model views in folders and subfolders. The sepparator must be ordered in the same order they appear in the view name. For example, if a view is named "economy:demand.exports" if subview_sep=[":", "."] this view's variables will be included in the file '' and inside the folders economy/demand. """ if self.sketch: sketch = list(map( lambda x: x.strip(), self.sketch.split("\\\\\\---/// ") )) else: warnings.warn( "No sketch detected. The model will be built in a " "single file.") return None grammar = vu.Grammar.get("sketch") view_elements = {} for module in sketch: for sketch_line in module.split("\n"): # parsed line could have information about new view name # or of a variable inside a view parsed = SketchVisitor(grammar.parse(sketch_line)) if parsed.view_name: view_name = parsed.view_name view_elements[view_name] = set() elif parsed.variable_name: view_elements[view_name].add(parsed.variable_name) # removes views that do not include any variable in them non_empty_views = { key: value for key, value in view_elements.items() if value } # split into subviews, if subview_sep is provided views_dict = {} if len(non_empty_views) == 1: warnings.warn( "Only a single view with no subviews was detected. The model" " will be built in a single file.") return elif subview_sep and any( sep in view for sep in subview_sep for view in non_empty_views): escaped_separators = list(map(lambda x: re.escape(x), subview_sep)) for full_name, values in non_empty_views.items(): # split the full view name using the separator and make the # individual parts safe file or directory names clean_view_parts = self._clean_file_names( *re.split("|".join(escaped_separators), full_name)) # creating a nested dict for each view.subview # (e.g. {view_name: {subview_name: [values]}}) nested_dict = values for item in reversed(clean_view_parts): nested_dict = {item: nested_dict} # merging the new nested_dict into the views_dict, preserving # repeated keys VensimFile._merge_nested_dicts(views_dict, nested_dict) else: # view names do not have separators or separator characters # not provided if subview_sep and not any( sep in view for sep in subview_sep for view in non_empty_views): warnings.warn( "The given subview separators were not matched in " "any view name.") for view_name, elements in non_empty_views.items(): views_dict[self._clean_file_names(view_name)[0]] = elements self.sections[0].split = True self.sections[0].views_dict = views_dict
[docs] def get_abstract_model(self) -> AbstractModel: """ Instantiate the AbstractModel object used during building. This, method should be called after parsing the model (self.parse) and, in case you want to split the variables per views, also after parsing the sketch (self.parse_sketch). This automatically calls the get_abstract_section method from the model sections. Returns ------- AbstractModel: AbstractModel Abstract Model object that can be used for building the model in another language. """ return AbstractModel( original_path=self.mdl_path, sections=tuple(section.get_abstract_section() for section in self.sections))
@staticmethod def _clean_file_names(*args): """ Removes special characters and makes clean file names. Parameters ---------- *args: tuple Any number of strings to clean. Returns ------- clean: list List containing the clean strings. """ return [ re.sub( r"[\W]+", "", name.replace(" ", "_") ).lstrip("0123456789") for name in args] @staticmethod def _merge_nested_dicts(original, to_merge): """ Merge dictionaries recursively, preserving common keys. Parameters ---------- original: dict Dictionary onto which the merge is executed. to_merge: dict or set Dictionary to be merged to the original_dict. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(to_merge, Mapping): for key, value in to_merge.items(): if key in original: if isinstance(original[key], set): # convert it into a dict original[key] = {"main": original[key]} VensimFile._merge_nested_dicts(original[key], value) else: original[key] = value else: # it's a set if "main" not in original: original["main"] = to_merge else: original["main"].update(to_merge) warnings.warn("Two views with same names but different " "separators where identified. They will be " "joined in a single module")
class FileSectionsVisitor(parsimonious.NodeVisitor): """Parse file sections""" def __init__(self, ast): self.entries = [None] self.visit(ast) def visit_main(self, n, vc): # main will always be stored as the first entry if self.entries[0] is None: self.entries[0] = Section( name="__main__", path=Path("."), section_type="main", params=[], returns=[], content=n.text.strip(), split=False, views_dict=None ) else: # this is needed when macro parts are in the middle of the file self.entries[0].content += n.text.strip() def visit_macro(self, n, vc): self.entries.append( Section( name=vc[2].strip().lower().replace(" ", "_"), path=Path("."), section_type="macro", params=[ x.strip() for x in vc[6].split(",")] if vc[6] else [], returns=[ x.strip() for x in vc[10].split(",")] if vc[10] else [], content=vc[13].strip(), split=False, views_dict=None ) ) def generic_visit(self, n, vc): return "".join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text or "" class SketchVisitor(parsimonious.NodeVisitor): """Sketch visitor to save the view names and the variables in each""" def __init__(self, ast): self.variable_name = None self.view_name = None self.visit(ast) def visit_view_name(self, n, vc): self.view_name = n.text.lower() def visit_var_definition(self, n, vc): if int(vc[10]) % 2 != 0: # not a shadow variable self.variable_name = vc[4].replace(" ", "_").lower() def generic_visit(self, n, vc): return "".join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text.strip() or ""