Source code for pysd.py_backend.statefuls

The Stateful objects are used and updated each time step with an update
method. This include Integs, Delays, Forecasts, Smooths, and Trends,
between others. The Macro class and Model class are also Stateful type.
However, they are defined appart as they are more complex.
import warnings

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .functions import zidz, if_then_else

SMALL_VENSIM = 1e-6  # What is considered zero according to Vensim Help

class Stateful(object):
    # the integrator needs to be able to 'get' the current state of the object,
    # and get the derivative. It calculates the new state, and updates it.
    # The state can be any object which is subject to basic (element-wise)
    # algebraic operations
    def __init__(self):
        self._state = None
        self.shape_info = None
        self.py_name = ""

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.state

    def state(self):
        if self._state is None:
            raise AttributeError(
                + "\nAttempt to call stateful element"
                + " before it is initialized.")
        return self._state

    def state(self, new_value):
        if self.shape_info:
            self._state = xr.DataArray(data=new_value, **self.shape_info)
            self._state = new_value

class DynamicStateful(Stateful):

    def __init__(self):

    def update(self, state):
            self.state = state
        except Exception as err:
            raise ValueError(err.args[0] + "\n\n"
                             + "Could not update the value of "
                             + self.py_name)

[docs] class Integ(DynamicStateful): """ Implements INTEG function. Parameters ---------- ddt: callable Derivate to integrate. initial_value: callable Initial value. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: float or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object. Value of the stock. """ def __init__(self, ddt, initial_value, py_name): super().__init__() self.init_func = initial_value self.ddt = ddt self.shape_info = None self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_val=None): if init_val is None: self.state = self.init_func() else: self.state = init_val if isinstance(self.state, xr.DataArray): self.shape_info = {'dims': self.state.dims, 'coords': self.state.coords} def export(self): return {'state': self.state, 'shape_info': self.shape_info}
[docs] class NonNegativeInteg(Integ): """ Implements non negative INTEG function. Parameters ---------- ddt: callable Derivate to integrate. initial_value: callable Initial value. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: float or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object. Value of the stock. """ def __init__(self, ddt, initial_value, py_name): super().__init__(ddt, initial_value, py_name) def update(self, state): self.state = np.maximum(state, 0)
[docs] class Delay(DynamicStateful): """ Implements DELAY function. Parameters ---------- delay_input: callable Input of the delay. delay_time: callable Delay time. initial_value: callable Initial value. order: callable Delay order. tsetp: callable The time step of the model. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: numpy.array or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object. Array of the delays values multiplied by their corresponding average time. """ # note that we could have put the `delay_input` argument as a parameter to # the `__call__` function, and more closely mirrored the vensim syntax. # However, people may get confused this way in thinking that they need # only one delay object and can call it with various arguments to delay # whatever is convenient. This method forces them to acknowledge that # additional structure is being created in the delay object. def __init__(self, delay_input, delay_time, initial_value, order, tstep, py_name): super().__init__() self.init_func = initial_value self.delay_time_func = delay_time self.input_func = delay_input self.order_func = order self.order = None self.tstep = tstep self.shape_info = None self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_val=None): order = self.order_func() if order != int(order): warnings.warn(self.py_name + '\n' + 'Casting delay order ' + f'from {order} to {int(order)}') self.order = int(order) # The order can only be set once if self.order*self.tstep() > np.min(self.delay_time_func()): while self.order*self.tstep() > np.min(self.delay_time_func()): self.order -= 1 warnings.warn(self.py_name + '\n' + 'Delay time very small, casting delay order ' + f'from {int(order)} to {self.order}') if init_val is None: init_state_value = self.init_func() * self.delay_time_func() else: init_state_value = init_val * self.delay_time_func() if isinstance(init_state_value, xr.DataArray): # broadcast self.state self.state = init_state_value.expand_dims({ '_delay': np.arange(self.order)}, axis=0) self.shape_info = {'dims': self.state.dims, 'coords': self.state.coords} else: self.state = np.array([init_state_value] * self.order) def __call__(self): if self.shape_info: return self.state[-1].reset_coords('_delay', drop=True)\ / self.delay_time_func() else: return self.state[-1] / self.delay_time_func() def ddt(self): outflows = self.state / self.delay_time_func() inflows = np.roll(outflows, 1, axis=0) if self.shape_info: inflows[0] = self.input_func().values else: inflows[0] = self.input_func() return (inflows - outflows) * self.order def export(self): return {'state': self.state, 'shape_info': self.shape_info}
[docs] class DelayN(DynamicStateful): """ Implements DELAY N function. Parameters ---------- delay_input: callable Input of the delay. delay_time: callable Delay time. initial_value: callable Initial value. order: callable Delay order. tsetp: callable The time step of the model. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: numpy.array or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object. Array of the delays values multiplied by their corresponding average time. times: numpy.array or xarray.DataArray Array of delay times used for computing the delay output. If delay_time is constant, this array will be constant and DelayN will behave ad Delay. """ # note that we could have put the `delay_input` argument as a parameter to # the `__call__` function, and more closely mirrored the vensim syntax. # However, people may get confused this way in thinking that they need # only one delay object and can call it with various arguments to delay # whatever is convenient. This method forces them to acknowledge that # additional structure is being created in the delay object. def __init__(self, delay_input, delay_time, initial_value, order, tstep, py_name): super().__init__() self.init_func = initial_value self.delay_time_func = delay_time self.input_func = delay_input self.order_func = order self.order = None self.times = None self.tstep = tstep self.shape_info = None self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_val=None): order = self.order_func() if order != int(order): warnings.warn(self.py_name + '\n' + 'Casting delay order ' + f'from {order} to {int(order)}') self.order = int(order) # The order can only be set once if self.order*self.tstep() > np.min(self.delay_time_func()): while self.order*self.tstep() > np.min(self.delay_time_func()): self.order -= 1 warnings.warn(self.py_name + '\n' + 'Delay time very small, casting delay order ' + f'from {int(order)} to {self.order}') if init_val is None: init_state_value = self.init_func() * self.delay_time_func() else: init_state_value = init_val * self.delay_time_func() if isinstance(init_state_value, xr.DataArray): # broadcast self.state self.state = init_state_value.expand_dims({ '_delay': np.arange(self.order)}, axis=0) self.times = self.delay_time_func().expand_dims({ '_delay': np.arange(self.order)}, axis=0) self.shape_info = {'dims': self.state.dims, 'coords': self.state.coords} else: self.state = np.array([init_state_value] * self.order) self.times = np.array([self.delay_time_func()] * self.order) def __call__(self): if self.shape_info: return self.state[-1].reset_coords('_delay', drop=True)\ / self.times[0].reset_coords('_delay', drop=True) else: return self.state[-1] / self.times[0] def ddt(self): if self.shape_info: # if is xarray need to preserve coords self.times = self.times.roll({'_delay': 1}, False) self.times[0] = self.delay_time_func() outflows = self.state / self.times inflows = outflows.roll({'_delay': 1}, False) else: # if is float use numpy.roll self.times = np.roll(self.times, 1, axis=0) self.times[0] = self.delay_time_func() outflows = self.state / self.times inflows = np.roll(outflows, 1, axis=0) inflows[0] = self.input_func() return (inflows - outflows)*self.order def export(self): return {'state': self.state, 'times': self.times, 'shape_info': self.shape_info}
[docs] class DelayFixed(DynamicStateful): """ Implements DELAY FIXED function. Parameters ---------- delay_input: callable Input of the delay. delay_time: callable Delay time. initial_value: callable Initial value. tsetp: callable The time step of the model. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: float or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object, equal to pipe[pointer]. pipe: list List of the delays values. pointer: int Pointer to the last value in the pipe """ def __init__(self, delay_input, delay_time, initial_value, tstep, py_name): super().__init__() self.init_func = initial_value self.delay_time_func = delay_time self.input_func = delay_input self.tstep = tstep self.order = None self.pointer = 0 self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_val=None): order = max(self.delay_time_func()/self.tstep(), 1) if order != int(order): warnings.warn( self.py_name + '\n' + 'Casting delay order from %f to %i' % ( order, round(order + SMALL_VENSIM))) # need to add a small decimal to ensure that 0.5 is rounded to 1 # The order can only be set once self.order = round(order + SMALL_VENSIM) # set the pointer to 0 self.pointer = 0 if init_val is None: init_state_value = self.init_func() else: init_state_value = init_val self.state = init_state_value self.pipe = [init_state_value] * self.order def __call__(self): return self.state def ddt(self): return np.nan def update(self, state): self.pipe[self.pointer] = self.input_func() self.pointer = (self.pointer + 1) % self.order self.state = self.pipe[self.pointer] def export(self): return {'state': self.state, 'pointer': self.pointer, 'pipe': self.pipe}
[docs] class Forecast(DynamicStateful): """ Implements FORECAST function. Parameters ---------- forecast_input: callable Input of the forecast. average_time: callable Average time. horizon: callable Forecast horizon. initial_trend: callable Initial trend of the forecast. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: float or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object. AV value by Vensim docs. """ def __init__(self, forecast_input, average_time, horizon, initial_trend, py_name): super().__init__() self.horizon = horizon self.average_time = average_time self.input = forecast_input self.initial_trend = initial_trend self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_trend=None): # self.state = AV in the vensim docs if init_trend is None: self.state = self.input() / (1 + self.initial_trend()) else: self.state = self.input() / (1 + init_trend) if isinstance(self.state, xr.DataArray): self.shape_info = {'dims': self.state.dims, 'coords': self.state.coords} def __call__(self): return self.input() * ( 1 + zidz(self.input() - self.state, self.average_time() * self.state )*self.horizon() ) def ddt(self): return (self.input() - self.state) / self.average_time() def export(self): return {'state': self.state, 'shape_info': self.shape_info}
[docs] class Smooth(DynamicStateful): """ Implements SMOOTH function. Parameters ---------- smooth_input: callable Input of the smooth. smooth_time: callable Smooth time. initial_value: callable Initial value. order: callable Delay order. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: numpy.array or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object. Array of the inputs having the value to return in the last position. """ def __init__(self, smooth_input, smooth_time, initial_value, order, py_name): super().__init__() self.init_func = initial_value self.smooth_time_func = smooth_time self.input_func = smooth_input self.order_func = order self.order = None self.shape_info = None self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_val=None): self.order = self.order_func() # The order can only be set once if init_val is None: init_state_value = self.init_func() else: init_state_value = init_val if isinstance(init_state_value, xr.DataArray): # broadcast self.state self.state = init_state_value.expand_dims({ '_smooth': np.arange(self.order)}, axis=0) self.shape_info = {'dims': self.state.dims, 'coords': self.state.coords} else: self.state = np.array([init_state_value] * self.order) def __call__(self): if self.shape_info: return self.state[-1].reset_coords('_smooth', drop=True) else: return self.state[-1] def ddt(self): targets = np.roll(self.state, 1, axis=0) if self.shape_info: targets[0] = self.input_func().values else: targets[0] = self.input_func() return (targets - self.state) * self.order / self.smooth_time_func() def export(self): return {'state': self.state, 'shape_info': self.shape_info}
[docs] class Trend(DynamicStateful): """ Implements TREND function. Parameters ---------- trend_input: callable Input of the trend. average_time: callable Average time. initial_trend: callable Initial trend. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: float or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object. AV value by Vensim docs. """ def __init__(self, trend_input, average_time, initial_trend, py_name): super().__init__() self.init_func = initial_trend self.average_time_function = average_time self.input_func = trend_input self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_trend=None): if init_trend is None: self.state = self.input_func()\ / (1 + self.init_func()*self.average_time_function()) else: self.state = self.input_func()\ / (1 + init_trend*self.average_time_function()) if isinstance(self.state, xr.DataArray): self.shape_info = {'dims': self.state.dims, 'coords': self.state.coords} def __call__(self): return zidz(self.input_func() - self.state, self.average_time_function() * np.abs(self.state)) def ddt(self): return (self.input_func() - self.state) / self.average_time_function() def export(self): return {'state': self.state, 'shape_info': self.shape_info}
[docs] class SampleIfTrue(DynamicStateful): """ Implements SAMPLE IF TRUE function. Parameters ---------- condition: callable Condition for sample. actual_value: callable Value to update if condition is true. initial_value: callable Initial value. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: float or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object. Last actual_value when condition was true or the initial_value if condition has never been true. """ def __init__(self, condition, actual_value, initial_value, py_name): super().__init__() self.condition = condition self.actual_value = actual_value self.init_func = initial_value self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_val=None): if init_val is None: self.state = self.init_func() else: self.state = init_val if isinstance(self.state, xr.DataArray): self.shape_info = {'dims': self.state.dims, 'coords': self.state.coords} def __call__(self): return if_then_else(self.condition(), self.actual_value, lambda: self.state) def ddt(self): return np.nan def update(self, state): self.state = self.state*0 + if_then_else(self.condition(), self.actual_value, lambda: self.state) def export(self): return {'state': self.state, 'shape_info': self.shape_info}
[docs] class Initial(Stateful): """ Implements INITIAL function. Parameters ---------- initial_value: callable Initial value. py_name: str Python name to identify the object. Attributes ---------- state: float or xarray.DataArray Current state of the object, which will always be the initial_value. """ def __init__(self, initial_value, py_name): super().__init__() self.init_func = initial_value self.py_name = py_name def initialize(self, init_val=None): if init_val is None: self.state = self.init_func() else: self.state = init_val def export(self): return {'state': self.state}